Faith Your Day
Faith Your Day
Trust The Universe
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God really took me on a mind blowing trip with this episode. He’s given me something super cool to chat with you about today, and I think it’s really going to open your eyes to everything you see around you a little bit differently! I’ve titled this week’s episode of the Faith Your Day devotional podcast: Trust The Universe
The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Genesis 1:1-3 & 26-27
Our Faith Your Day Declaration!
Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!
As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com
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Before we begin let’s recite our Faith Your Day declaration to get our minds and hearts in the right place to be able to properly receive this day of life. Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!
I’m not sure exactly why but for the 3rd week in a row God has prompted me to take a closer look into the book of Genesis for our devotional. Today’s episode actually began in a bit of a strange way. The other night I was in our sauna, and typically while I sauna I just sit in the quiet, or listen to some peaceful spa music, but for the first time I decided that I would hop onto Spotify and find a 15 minute guided meditation that I could listen to while I relaxed. And that’s exactly what I did. I found one titled “Embrace the infinite wisdom of the Universe” it was one for anxiety and uncertainty and seemed to be the exact 15 minute length that I needed and so I went with it. Now this isn’t the first time I’ve meditated, just the first time I have while sitting in a 180 degree cedar box…but typically when a meditation starts talking about the wisdom of the universe and provides a mantra such as “I trust the divine unfolding of my life”...I honestly find that a bit secular…I find myself changing up the mantra to something such as “I trust you God with the unfolding of my life. I find I’m generally put off by anything with too much hippy dippy energy…people who believe that you can allow the universe and it’s cosmic energy to guide you…and in my brain as I was listening this is exactly what my thoughts were…and then my sister God spoke to me so clearly that I spent the rest of my time in the sauna stunned by what he had said as it all came together to make so much sense.
He said Sarah don’t be bothered just because this person thinks it’s the universe and it’s cosmic energy who will guide her through life, she’s not wrong, she just doesn’t see me yet…I am the universe…the uni-verse. And there my friend it hit…all that is in existence belongs to our universe. The billions of stars, galaxies, solar systems. According to current scientific understanding, we can only observe and access one universe…everything is held within it. Geek out with me for a moment and I think this will become as cool for you as it was for me. The universe contains everything that we know, everything that has ever existed, it accounts for all that science can currently explain, and here is what God showed me that is so cool that I have never noticed before. If you break up the word universe into it’s parts, you get two words…uni and verse. Uni comes from the latin word unus which means “one” and verse is a word derived from latin as well, but in this case is often used in regards to writing, particularly poetry…But used as a verb verse can mean something that is spoken or composed…created as it is spoken if you will. But we often also know verse in the context of a realm or a world…think of the futuristic talk of a meta verse or a place where we could virtually visit through 3D and AI development. Now put all this together and uni-verse literally translates as one verse, one realm composed of words written and spoken that form, create and bring to life. Just like words in a poem can bring images to your mind and emotion to your heart and form a place of sorts that you visit while you are reading that poem. The universe is the actual physical manifestation of God’s word. It’s his spoken word in a means that we can exist in and experience. Now this might sound a bit trippy but let’s check out the very first chapter of the bible Genesis 1: 1-3 says: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. My friend…did you catch the connection here…. “And God said…and there was” In one spoken verse released from him he created into existence the universe…the heavens and the earth, the day and night, the land and seas, and then everything that filled it, the plants and animals, and then his most cherished creation…in Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Notice that the only mention of how they were made is because he said “Let us make” and it was so. My sister, the entire universe is visible, tangible, scientifically sound, solid evidence of the power of God’s Word.
John 1:1- says: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. How incredible that God’s word is so powerful, he is the Word and the Word is he, they are one in the same, and it’s his word that speaks into existence everything we know and so much that we don’t know yet as well…think of all the scientific discoveries being made all the time…the universe is and has been expanding infinitely since its creation. If you think of the universe my friend it only takes a moment to begin to have your mind blown. From the farthest galaxy that the Hubble telescope has taken awe inspiring photos of, to the most microscopic particles that modern technology can view…it’s all marked with God’s beautiful finger prints. We always think about the universe as this vast and mainly void realm, but what about right here in your environment today, we are in the universe. The plants, the animals, the raindrops and snowflakes, the strands of your very own DNA…it all began somewhere…and wrapped up within the very word itself…universe, lays the answer. God simply has to say Let there be…and it is…come to existence, come to pass, come to life. Proverbs 2:6 says: For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. And it’s this knowledge and understanding of our natural world, and of all the mysteries of the universe that keep leading us back to Him, to the creator of it all. And Proverbs 1:7 says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. My sister it's only when you can live in awe of God’s amazing creation, as well as his incredible magnitude, power and love that you truly will begin to see that he is literally everywhere. You’ll see him in the rising sun, in the sunset, in the intricacies of leaves, and the saturated colour of a flower petal. You’ll see him in the complex symmetry of a butterfly or in the one of a kind fingerprint he gave you. The same word that created the universe and all that lives within it, is the same word that created your beautiful spirit and gave it a human body in which to reside while here dwelling within that universe. And my prayer for you today, is that you see him in creation. That you stop seeing yourself as just another person, as just ordinary, and just a tiny speck in a monstrous place, because you’re not. You’re loved, you matter and you were placed right here right now by the Word of God to do his will in this tiny corner of the universe in order to fulfill what you’ve been created to do with this day of life.