Faith Your Day

Don't File For Spiritual Bankruptcy

March 12, 2024 Sarah Elizabeth Season 4 Episode 155
Don't File For Spiritual Bankruptcy
Faith Your Day
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Faith Your Day
Don't File For Spiritual Bankruptcy
Mar 12, 2024 Season 4 Episode 155
Sarah Elizabeth

My sister I have to wonder if you are feeling like you are just about broke on a spiritual level. Are you feeling like you have nothing left to give, nothing left to move forward with and nothing leftover at the end of every day. Are you going to bed exhausted, but feeling like you accomplished nothing, and poured out every ounce of your soul, to receive nothing in return? Girl, Jesus knows exactly how you are feeling and he wants to help!

The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: 2 Kings 4:1-7

Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:

@faithyourday #faithyourday

As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! 

If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist" 

If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily. 

I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday! 



Sarah Elizabeth 

Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

Show Notes Transcript

My sister I have to wonder if you are feeling like you are just about broke on a spiritual level. Are you feeling like you have nothing left to give, nothing left to move forward with and nothing leftover at the end of every day. Are you going to bed exhausted, but feeling like you accomplished nothing, and poured out every ounce of your soul, to receive nothing in return? Girl, Jesus knows exactly how you are feeling and he wants to help!

The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: 2 Kings 4:1-7

Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:

@faithyourday #faithyourday

As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! 

If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist" 

If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily. 

I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday! 



Sarah Elizabeth 

Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

Lets begin by opening up our minds, and preparing our hearts for this day of life…I’ll lead us through our Faith Your Day declaration.
Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

My sister I have to wonder if you are feeling like you are just about broke on a spiritual level. Are you feeling like you have nothing left to give, nothing left to move forward with and nothing leftover at the end of every day. Are you going to bed exhausted, but feeling like you accomplished nothing, and poured out every ounce of your soul, to receive nothing in return? Girl, Jesus knows exactly how you are feeling and he wants to help! He’s asking you though to not resort to spiritual bankruptcy…don’t count yourself out, and don’t count what you have left, because he’s about to revive, restore, and rebalance your heart and soul account. 

In the world of finance we know that for many people or businesses who are simply too far in debt to ever get out of their mess, the only option can seem like bankruptcy. Bankruptcy by definition is a legal proceeding initiated when a person or business is unable to repay outstanding debts or obligations. And just like a person can get way over their head in regards to how much debt they have, you and I as Christians are also at risk of going into spiritual debt and if left unattended we too are at risk of bankruptcy on a spiritual level. 

Our enemy, the devil, is after our hearts, and he will continually use lies to get us to spend our hard earned faith, hope, peace and love on stupid transactions that eventually leave us lacking. Satan wants you to have nothing left, because when you are bankrupt, you are vulnerable. When you are lacking, you have less power, and he’s trying his very best day in and day out to leave you spiritually broke and broken. 

Our entire lives we have been loved by Jesus, we were formed by a God who loved us more than we can ever imagine even before he breathed life into us. Do you know what that means? By nature we are abundantly rich! We are rich in his love, his grace, his mercy. We are blessed beyond measure simply because we are so very loved by him. We have everything we could ever need all within his son Jesus. We have all of God’s power available to us as a resource known as the Holy Spirit that dwells within us. We are innately wealthy when we buy into his wisdom, his hope, his peace and his love…but we have someone trying to take from us…Satan! He’s trying to steal what you have girl, to leave you with nothing. Satan is like a bad creditor…calling and harassing, and threatening, and simply trying to take every last ounce of what you have. Satan is sneaky, he is smooth and he is slick with his lies. He sees you sitting on a pile of blessings from above that you might not even realize you are set to inherit, and he gets to stealing… and he’s so darn good at it, my sister you might not even be aware of how much he’s already taken and how close to broke you actually are. Every single emotional transaction you make costs you. Those small little purchases cost you. It costs something to love, and to care and to give…and Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice of his life has paid for your eternity, but that paid in full gift is at risk of being stolen if you are not alert. Every transaction you make that aligns you more with Jesus has already been accounted for…paid in full. However, what about all of those transactions that don’t align with his heart…don’t align with his will and don’t bring you closer to who you were created to be. Those? Well those come at an expense to your soul…and they aren’t cheap…those are the types of transactions that put you at risk of spiritual bankruptcy. Jealously costs you…comparison is expensive, pride doesn’t come cheap my sister and what about resentment, anger and bitterness…those add up don’t they. Each and every day we have countless interactions with other people. They might be family members, colleagues, customers, friends, or complete strangers, but each and every thought and action we have in and around them comes at a cost, and Satan’s focus is to ensure that you are having transactions that will take from your soul account and not add to it. He’s looking for you to spend some time and energy today wrapped up in worry and anxiety, he is hoping that you will waste a bunch of your day scrolling various social media platforms comparing yourself and your life to the images of the influencers that you see…discontentment, comparison and envy…oh girl…can’t you feel the cost of that…that drained, icky, empty feeling…what is that? What is that from? That’s the feeling of an emotional account that is nearing the red…nearing a negative balance, and that’s a scary place to reside…but it’s also exactly where the enemy wants you…so emotionally drained that you don’t even feel like turning to God here, so mentally exhausted that you can’t see how Jesus could even help, so spiritually bankrupt, that you don’t even believe that the Holy Spirit dwelling within you can come to your rescue. And my darling, the devil is a thief and a liar and he’s robbing you blind…he’s convincing you that these petty little purchases are worth your peace…and they aren’t, they truly aren’t. So what other choice do you have? Because spiritual Bankruptcy just isn’t in your future my friend. 

Well let’s look to scripture for an example of God’s incredible abundance, generosity and provision. I want to read today from 2 Kings chapter 4 vs 1-7. In this chapter is called The Widow’s Olive Oil. The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.” Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.” Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.” She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing. She went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.” 

Here we see on full display God’s love! This women was so close to bankruptcy in a financial sense that she was at risk of losing her two sons to slavery…but God provided a way to not only pay what was owed, but also to have a surplus to live on afterwards. She was given so much that the jars she had would not have been enough to hold it all…she had to borrow from her neighbours in order to have the capacity to hold what he poured out. And my friend, I think it’s possible to see yourself here, feeling like you have nothing left to give, like you too are at risk of losing what you have left because you can’t see how it’s possible to keep pouring from a close to empty heart. And while Satan is hoping that he can draw the last few negative transactions out of you before you have to file for spiritual bankruptcy, Jesus is offering you something else. Jesus offers you peace, hope, joy, gratitude, provision, love and wisdom in abundance. He’s simply requiring an empty vessel that he can fill…and my sister that’s you…an empty vessel in need of refilling…a spiritual account in desperate need of some positive transactions…positive deposits to get you back to living in happiness and contentment. 

If you let Jesus add to your spiritual account, he will not only add a little, but like in our scripture today, he will make so much available to you that it’s only limited by the size of the vessel he’s pouring into…get ready for a windfall my friend! Where Satan steals through envy, Jesus gives through generosity, what you’ve spent in comparison, you’ll get back in contentment and those negative purchases for unease, insecurity and uncertainty, well you can return those in exchange for peace, confidence and hope. Jesus sees so much more for you girl…decide today that you won’t live in spiritual poverty anymore! Jesus wants to make you wildly rich and ridiculously blessed through his provision and love. You don’t have to settle for cheap, nagging, bitter and resentful transactions anymore…he’s got so much more…but you have to be ready to receive it, and you have to be open to ridding yourself of a poverty mindset. You have to recognize how close to broke you really are…and decide that that isn’t the future you want for yourself. Wholeness, happiness and heart that is so full that it overflows his love unto those all around you is an option…so will you chose to stop making those petty and negative transactions the devil is offering you…and start investing in your future, start investing in yourself, and start seeing the return on investment that comes when you focus on Jesus here, when you asking him to walk through this with you, and you decide that you are going to spend your life following him. It’s the best investment you can make, and you are worth it my sister!